Facebook has recently released many plugins for websites and blogs. Now Facebook developer's released "Facebook Comment Box". That's awesome to creating comment system on your blogger/blogspot blog. With facebook comments box, Your bloggers user able to comment on your blog posts and those post comment automatically share on their facebook comment wall.
Final Project:
Just simply follow my instruction to add this.
How To Add-
1) Login of your Blogger Blog.
2) Go to Template Section.
3) Click on Edit HTML.
4) Click on Format Template.
5) Press ctrl+F. Now search following code..
<div id='fb-root'/> <script src='http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1'/> <fb:comments expr:href='data:post.url' num_posts='5' width='500'/>Note-
<> Replace 500 with your desired width box.
<> Replace 5 how much post you want to display.
7) Click on Save template.
Done. Now your blogger user able to comment on your favorite blog posts.